
Information / Employer Reporting
Reminder: Employers Need to Prepare for 2016 Now

Get the facts on what is required:

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) created Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 6055 and 6056, whereby employer groups and unions with at least 50 full-time employees—including part-time, union, seasonal, and variable hour employee equivalents—are subject to Employer Reporting requirements.

It is imperative that employers take action now with regards to employer reporting in early 2016. Click HERE to view a one-page guide for what needs to be done and by when.

Stay Compliant with SavoyACA

Our team of experts can consult with you to assist you in maintaining compliance.

SavoyACA provides guidance and assistance throughout the entire review process. Together with our third-party partners, we provide customizable services, a comprehensive review, and a step-by-step course of action to meet your needs—all at competitive pricing.

You can also visit our resource pages on to obtain further details on Information Reporting Rules for Employers, Plans, and Carriers:

If you have any further questions, please contact your dedicated Savoy Associates Account Executive.

Updated 09/18/15

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Regional General Agency, NYNJPADE
BenefitsEmployer Services

Savoy Associates

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